Module Overview: Becoming a Reviewer in Deep Funding
This module is designed to guide you through the essentials of crafting high-quality, constructive reviews for proposals within the DeepFunding ecosystem. As a reviewer, your insights and evaluations are invaluable to proposers and the community at large. Let's explore what makes a great reviewer and how you can start making an impact with your assessments.
202.1: Writing a High-Quality Review of a Proposal
Understanding Proposal Review in Deep Funding
At the core of Deep Funding, the proposal review process is about providing valuable feedback to proposers by tapping into the wisdom of the community. This subjective task requires you to analyze and comment on various aspects of the proposal, from its objectives and applications to suggestions for improvement. Whether your feedback is positive or negative, the two essential qualities it must possess are:
- Relevance to the proposal in question.
- Originality in thought and expression.
Characteristics of a Good Review
A good review is always on-topic, engaging with the proposal's substance rather than veering off into unrelated areas. Originality is vital; your review should not be a rehash of existing comments or a copy-paste from other sources. While leveraging tools like ChatGPT can be helpful, your personal touch and unique perspective indeed count. Aim for a balance in your review, making it brief and manageable to maintain the reader's interest.
Crafting Your First Review
To write your first review:
- Read the proposal thoroughly.
- Summarize the proposal in your mind.
- Clearly state your opinion.
- Evaluate the relevance and significance of your opinion to the proposal.
- Share your thoughts in the proposal's comment section.
202.2: Following DFA Guidelines When Reviewing a Proposal
The DFA Guidelines
The Deep Funding Academy (DFA) guidelines are a compilation of best practices that serve as an ethical compass for reviewers. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure your reviews are effective and responsible. Access the Deep Funding Academy guidelines to familiarize yourself with these essential principles.
202.3: Quality Standards and Deep Funding Mission for Proposal Eligibility Approval
Determining Proposal Eligibility
As a reviewer, part of your role is to assess whether a proposal meets the standards and criteria for eligibility. This vetting process is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the funding rounds. Key indicators include:
- Pool Theme: Verify that the proposal aligns with the theme of its designated pool.
- Funding Request Amount: Check that the requested amount is within the pool's specified limits.
- Budgeting Structure: Ensure the proposal adheres to the pool's budget guidelines.