Lesson 202.2: I can follow the DeepFunding Academy guidelines for proposal review
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you will apply the Deep Funding Academy guidelines to conduct a thorough and constructive review of a proposal. This practice will help you integrate ethical and effective review strategies that enhance the value of your feedback within the DFA community.
Lesson Objectives
- Apply DFA guidelines to review proposals effectively.
- Enhance your ability to provide constructive, relevant, and ethical feedback.
- Contribute to the Deep Funding ecosystem by engaging in the review process according to established best practices.
The DeepFunding Academy guideline is a set of community-generated guidelines that will be very helpful for any reviewer who wants to review efficiently. It will include some best ethical practices that will be very important and helpful to new and existing reviewers. A link to the Deep Funding Academy guidelines can be found below.
Guideline Familiarization
Begin by studying the DFA guidelines detailed below. Understand the importance of each guideline and how it contributes to a constructive review process.
Deep Funding Academy Guidelines for Reviewing Proposals
Understand the Mission Familiarize yourself with the goals and objectives of Deep Funding. Ensure your reviews align with these goals, providing constructive feedback that supports the mission.
Read Thoroughly Before reviewing, read the proposal carefully. Understand its objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and how it fits within the Deep Funding ecosystem.
Be Constructive Offer constructive feedback that can help proposers improve their submissions. Highlight strengths as well as areas for improvement.
Stay Relevant Ensure your feedback is relevant to the proposal. Avoid digressing into unrelated topics or personal anecdotes that don’t add value to the review.
Encourage Originality While offering feedback, encourage proposers to present original ideas and solutions. Help them think critically about their proposals to innovate and enhance their projects.
Maintain Professionalism Keep your language respectful and professional. Constructive criticism is welcome; disparagement is not.
Prioritize Transparency Be transparent about your perspective and any biases. If you have expertise in the proposal’s subject area, mention it to lend credibility to your review.
Respect Privacy Do not share personal information about proposers or discuss proposal details outside the review platform without permission.
Avoid Plagiarism Your review should be your original work. Do not copy feedback from others or use automated tools without adding your own insights.
Engage Actively Participate in the review process regularly to support a dynamic and evolving community of reviewers and proposers.
Proposal Selection
Choose a proposal from the Deep Funding platform that aligns with your interests or expertise. This will enable you to provide more insightful feedback.
Drafting Your Review
Apply the DFA guidelines as you craft your review. Ensure your feedback is constructive, relevant, professional, and transparent. Incorporate specific examples from the proposal to illustrate your points.
Submit your review on the Deep Funding platform.