SLT 201.1: I resonate with the vision and mission of the Deep Funding ecosystem

Lesson 201.1: Aligning with Deep Funding's Vision and Mission

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, you will delve into the Deep Funding ecosystem to understand its foundational goals and mission. Through exploration and analysis, you'll assess how your innovative ideas align with Deep Funding's objectives, and conceptualize a project proposal that resonates with this alignment.

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand the vision, mission, and operational framework of the Deep Funding ecosystem.
  • Evaluate how personal or organizational project ideas align with Deep Funding’s goals.
  • Develop communication skills by articulating the relevance of Deep Funding to a broader audience.

Exploration and Research

Before creating your proposal on Deep Funding, it's essential to get familiar with what Deep Funding is, to understand its goal and mission and whether your ideas and projects are the right fit for this fund, and whether the fund is the right fit for your projects

  • Start by thoroughly reading the Deep Funding website's homepage to grasp its vision and operational model. Note key points that resonate with you or spark ideas.
  • Dive deep into the rules and criteria for creating a proposal on Deep Funding. Pay special attention to the main rules, pool details, and overview of conditions, documenting how they might influence the design of your project.

Critical Analysis

Reflect on your project ideas or areas of interest. Analyze how these can align with Deep Funding’s mission and the specific requirements of different funding pools. Prepare a short summary that outlines this alignment, highlighting any potential contributions to the Deep Funding ecosystem.

Engagement and Dissemination

  • Watch the recommended video to further solidify your understanding of Deep Funding. Draw parallels between the content of the video and your project ideas or areas of interest.

  • Craft a compelling message to share on Twitter. Your post should briefly explain what Deep Funding is, and present an idea you believe could be supported by Deep Funding. This task aims to practice public communication and advocacy for projects aligned with benevolent AI development.


  • Craft a compelling message to share on Twitter. Your post should briefly explain what Deep Funding is, and present an idea you believe could be supported by Deep Funding. This task aims to practice public communication and advocacy for projects aligned with benevolent AI development.

Project Proposal Concept Based on your research and reflections, draft a concept note for a project proposal that aligns with Deep Funding’s mission. This concept note should include an introduction to your idea, its relevance to Deep Funding's goals, and a preliminary outline of how it fits within the identified funding pools and rules.